Fundamental Data

We maintain fundamental data on more than 6000 of the symbols in our database.

Our fundamental data includes the following information:

SymbolThe symbol code/ticker
NameFull name
IndustryIndustry the symbol belongs to
SectorThe Sector for this symbol
SharesNumber of Shares Outstanding
PEPrice to Earnings ratio
EPSEarnings Per Share
DivYieldDividend Yield
DPSDividends Per Share
PEGPrice to Earnings / Growth
PtBPrice to Book value ratio
PtSPrice to Sales ratio


A sample of the fundamental data we provide can be downloaded below:<1kNASDAQ Fundamental Data


Silver, Gold and Platinum members can access Fundamental data through our FTP site and through the DOWNLOAD page.

Get started with EODData in 4 easy steps:
Before you can download our data, you will first need to register. Registration is FREE and will allow you to access our end of day data and symbol history.
To register now click HERE
We offer a range of Membership options ranging from free services to comprehensive end of day data updates. Full details of our subscription levels and the services they offer can be found on the Membership Levels page.
Up to 20 years of historical data can be purchased - for more information click HERE.
DataClient is a small powerful utility that runs on your computer and automatically downloads stock data onto your PC. To find out more about DataClient and to download it click HERE.